Savannah is nine months old now so I thought I should finally write down her birth story!
Savannah’s due date was Aug. 9, but like her big brother, she wanted to show up late. The night of Aug. 8, I was feeling minor contractions, but they weren’t super painful or consistent. We decided to go into labor & delivery just to be on the safe side. We got there and they checked me, I was 3 cm dilated and definitely having contractions but they weren’t super regular. They had us stay for an hour to see if I would make any progress in that time. I didn’t, so they gave us the option to stay or go home. We chose to go home.
With all that excitement, you think she’d be coming soon, right? Wrong. Haha Little miss didn’t show up till three days later.
Aug. 10
We had crazy storms come through the area that day. I think we had something like a dozen (small) tornadoes go through Northern IL. I wasn’t sure I was going to make it to my doctor’s appointment that evening because of the bad weather! Thankfully I did, but I still hadn’t made any progress from Saturday night (thank God we went home!). The doctor did a membrane sweep to hopefully help things along and sent me on my way.
As the evening went on, I started to feel more contractions, but I still wasn’t sure it was anything significant. Miguel and I were hanging out on the couch watching Shark Week and I felt a weird pop in my belly and a small gush of fluid.
“I think my water just broke.”
But since I never experienced my watering breaking with Joel, I really wasn’t sure! Before Miguel called his mom to tell her to come over, I hopped in the shower to see if any more fluid came out. By this time contractions were picking up and getting painful, and I knew it was time!
Once Miguel’s mom got there to stay with Joel for the night, we quickly left the house and headed to the hospital. Man, those contractions were no joke! I never experienced intense ones like that with my previous delivery. I made Miguel drive super careful because every bump amplified the pain.
We checked into the hospital and I was 7 cm dilated. I absolutely wanted the epidural, but as we learned later, it was a super busy night at L&D so I waited at least an hour to finally get it. Oh man, was that a rough hour. By the time the anesthesiologist came, I was 9 cm. And yes, please, still give me the drugs!
After the epidural, we waited about another hour for me to dilate to 10 cm. The doctor came back and had me do a practice push. Yes, she was ready to go!
TWO PUSHES later and she was here! I still can’t believe that was all it took. Miss Savannah Cate entered the world at 1:06 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 11. She weighed 7 lbs 5 oz and was 20 inches long.
She is the sweetest addition to our family. We absolutely adore her, and big brother was smitten by her when we brought her home.
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